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of towns etc)

  • 1 map

    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) plan; -plan; kort; -kort
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) kort
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) kortlægge
    * * *
    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) plan; -plan; kort; -kort
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) kort
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) kortlægge

    English-Danish dictionary > map

  • 2 character

    1) (mental or moral qualities, integrity) Charakter, der

    be of good character — ein guter Mensch sein; einen guten Charakter haben

    strength of character — Charakterstärke, die

    2) no pl. (individuality, style) Charakter, der

    the town has a character all of its owndie Stadt hat einen ganz eigenen Charakter

    have no charactercharakterlos od. ohne Charakter sein

    3) (in novel etc.) Charakter, der; (part played by somebody) Rolle, die

    be in/out of character — (fig.) typisch/untypisch sein

    his behaviour was quite out of character(fig.) sein Betragen war ganz und gar untypisch für ihn

    4) (coll.): (extraordinary person) Original, das

    be [quite] a character/a real character — ein [echtes/richtiges] Original sein

    5) (coll.): (individual) Mensch, der; (derog.) Individuum, das
    * * *
    ['kærəktə] 1. noun
    1) (the set of qualities that make someone or something different from others; type: You can tell a man's character from his handwriting; Publicity of this character is not good for the firm.) der Charakter
    2) (a set of qualities that are considered admirable in some way: He showed great character in dealing with the danger.) die Persönlichkeit
    3) (reputation: They tried to damage his character.) der Ruf
    4) (a person in a play, novel etc: Rosencrantz is a minor character in Shakespeare's `Hamlet'.) die Rolle
    5) (an odd or amusing person: This fellow's quite a character!)
    6) (a letter used in typing etc: Some characters on this typewriter are broken.) das Schriftzeichen
    - academic.ru/12087/characteristic">characteristic
    2. noun
    (a typical quality: It is one of his characteristics to be obstinate.) die Eigenschaft
    - characteristically
    - characterize
    - characterise
    - characterization
    - characterisation
    * * *
    [ˈkærəktəʳ, AM ˈkerəktɚ]
    1. no pl (personality) Charakter m, Wesen nt, Wesensart f
    to be similar in \character sich dat im Wesen ähnlich sein
    to not be in \character untypisch sein
    out of \character ungewöhnlich
    2. (moral integrity) Charakter m
    strength of \character Charakterstärke f
    weakness of \character Charakterschwäche f
    to be of bad/good \character ein schlechter/guter Mensch sein
    of dubious/irreproachable/questionable \character von zweifelhaftem/untadeligem/fragwürdigem Charakter
    3. (unique person) Original nt, Type f fam
    he's quite a \character der ist vielleicht 'ne Type fam
    lack of \character fehlende Originalität
    4. LIT, ART (representation) [Roman]figur f, [Roman]gestalt f
    main \character Hauptfigur f, Protagonist(in) m(f) geh
    5. TYPO (mark, space) Zeichen nt; (symbol) Schriftzeichen nt
    6. LAW
    to issue \character evidence Leumundsbeweise pl [o SCHWEIZ, ÖSTERR Leumundszeugnis] nt aufbieten
    * * *
    1) (= nature) Charakter m; (of people) Wesen nt no pl, Wesensart f

    it's out of character for him to do thates ist eigentlich nicht seine Art, so etwas zu tun

    to be of good/bad character — ein guter/schlechter Mensch sein

    2) no pl (= strength of character) Charakter m
    3) no pl (= individuality of towns etc) Charakter m; (of person) Persönlichkeit f

    she/it has no character —

    4) (in novel) (Roman)figur f, (Roman)gestalt f; (THEAT) Gestalt f
    5) (= person in public life) Persönlichkeit f, Gestalt f; (= original person) Original nt; (inf = person) Typ m (inf), Type f (inf)
    6) (= reference) Zeugnis nt
    7) (TYP, COMPUT) Zeichen nt; (Chinese etc also) Schriftzeichen nt
    * * *
    character [ˈkærəktə(r); -rık-]
    A s
    1. allg Charakter m:
    a) Wesen n, Art f (eines Menschen etc):
    they are different in character sie sind charakterlich verschieden
    b) guter Charakter:
    (strong) character Charakterstärke f;
    he has ( oder is a man of) character er hat Charakter
    c) (ausgeprägte) Persönlichkeit:
    he is an odd character er ist ein merkwürdiger Mensch oder Charakter;
    he is (quite) a character umg er ist (schon) ein Original oder ein komischer Kerl
    d) Eigenschaft(en) f(pl), (charakteristisches) Kennzeichen, Gepräge n, auch BIOL Merkmal n:
    the character of the landscape der Landschaftscharakter; generic 1
    2. a) Ruf m, Leumund m
    b) Zeugnis n (besonders für Personal):
    give sb a good character jemandem ein gutes Zeugnis ausstellen (a. fig)
    3. Eigenschaft f, Rang m, Stellung f:
    in his character of ambassador in seiner Eigenschaft als Botschafter
    4. Figur f, Gestalt f (eines Romans etc):
    the characters of the play die Charaktere des Stückes; imaginary A
    5. THEAT etc Rolle f:
    a) der Rolle gemäß,
    b) fig (zum Charakter des Ganzen) passend;
    it is in character es passt dazu, zu ihm etc;
    it is out of character es passt nicht dazu, zu ihm etc, es fällt aus dem Rahmen
    6. a) Schriftzeichen n, Buchstabe m:
    in large characters in Großbuchstaben;
    know sb’s characters jemandes Handschrift kennen
    b) COMPUT (Schrift)Zeichen n
    7. Ziffer f, Zahl(zeichen) f(n)
    8. Geheimzeichen n
    B adj
    1. a) Charakter…:
    character analysis Charakteranalyse f;
    character building ( oder formation) Charakterbildung f;
    a) Ausdruckstanz m,
    b) (typischer) Nationaltanz;
    character defect Charakterfehler m;
    character piece MUS Charakterstück n;
    character sketch Charakterskizze f;
    character study Charakterstudie f;
    character trait Charakterzug m;
    character witness JUR Leumundszeuge m, -zeugin f
    c) THEAT etc Chargen…:
    character actor Chargenspieler m;
    character part ( oder role) Charge(nrolle) f
    2. IT, COMPUT:
    character code Zeichencode m;
    character printer Zeichen-, Buchstabendrucker m;
    character recognition (Schrift)Zeichenerkennung f;
    character set Zeichensatz m
    * * *
    1) (mental or moral qualities, integrity) Charakter, der

    be of good character — ein guter Mensch sein; einen guten Charakter haben

    strength of character — Charakterstärke, die

    2) no pl. (individuality, style) Charakter, der

    have no charactercharakterlos od. ohne Charakter sein

    3) (in novel etc.) Charakter, der; (part played by somebody) Rolle, die

    be in/out of character — (fig.) typisch/untypisch sein

    his behaviour was quite out of character(fig.) sein Betragen war ganz und gar untypisch für ihn

    4) (coll.): (extraordinary person) Original, das

    be [quite] a character/a real character — ein [echtes/richtiges] Original sein

    5) (coll.): (individual) Mensch, der; (derog.) Individuum, das
    * * *
    (literary) n.
    Figur -en (literarisch) f. (printing) n.
    Schriftzeichen n.
    Zeichen - n. (typography) n.
    Symbol -e n. n.
    Beschaffenheit f.
    Charakter m.
    Person -en (Theater) f.
    Person -en f.
    Persönlichkeit f.
    Rolle -n f.

    English-german dictionary > character

  • 3 map

    1. noun
    1) [Land]karte, die; (street plan) Stadtplan, der
    2) (fig. coll.)

    [put something/somebody] on the map — [etwas/jemanden] populär [machen]

    2. transitive verb,
    - pp- (make map of) kartographieren; (make survey of) vermessen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/88987/map_out">map out
    * * *
    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) (Land-)Karte
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) die Karte
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) kartographisch erfassen
    * * *
    n abbrev of minimum advertised price festgelegter [Mindest]preis
    * * *
    1. n
    (Land)karte f; (of streets, town) Stadtplan m; (showing specific item) Karte f

    a map of the stars/rivers — eine Stern-/Flusskarte

    it's right off the map (fig)das liegt (ja) am Ende der Welt or hinter dem Mond (inf)

    2. vt
    1) (= measure) vermessen; (= make a map of) eine Karte anfertigen von
    2) ( MATH, COMPUT:: assign) zuordnen
    * * *
    map [mæp]
    A s
    1. (Land-, See-, Himmels) Karte f, weitS. (Stadt- etc) Plan m:
    by map nach der Karte;
    off the map umg abgelegen;
    wipe off the map eine Stadt etc ausradieren, dem Erdboden gleichmachen;
    be on the map auf der Karte (eingezeichnet) sein;
    put on the map eine Stadt etc bekannt machen
    2. sl Visage f
    B v/t
    1. eine Karte machen von, kartografisch darstellen
    2. ein Gebiet kartografisch erfassen
    3. auf einer Karte eintragen
    4. meist map out fig (bis in die Einzelheiten) (voraus)planen, entwerfen, ausarbeiten:
    map out one’s time sich seine Zeit einteilen
    5. fig (wie auf einer Karte) (ver)zeichnen oder darstellen
    6. MATH abbilden
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) [Land]karte, die; (street plan) Stadtplan, der
    2) (fig. coll.)

    [put something/somebody] on the map — [etwas/jemanden] populär [machen]

    2. transitive verb,
    - pp- (make map of) kartographieren; (make survey of) vermessen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Abbildung -en (Mathematik) f.
    Abbildung -en f.
    Karte -n f.
    Landkarte f. v.
    abbilden v.
    ausarbeiten v.
    planen v.

    English-german dictionary > map

  • 4 burn\ up

    1. I
    put some wood on the fire and make it burn up прибавь дров, чтобы огонь как следует разгорелся
    2. II
    1) bun up at some time the house (the barn, the whole block, etc.) burnt up last year в прошлом году сгорел весь дом и т. д.
    2) burn up in some manner burn up quickly (suddenly, etc.) загораться /разгораться, вспыхивать/ быстро и т. д.
    3. III
    burn up smth. /smth. up/ burn up all the dead leaves (the waste paper, the garden rubbish, etc.) сжигать все сухие листья и т. д; the fire burned up more than $ 50,000 worth of antiques огонь /пожар/ уничтожил старинных вещей более, чем на пятьдесят тысяч долларов
    4. XI
    2) get burnt up I got burnt up when he said that to me я вскипел, когда он мне это сказал
    5. XVI
    burn up in /during/ smth. whole villages (the whole block, towns, etc.) burnt up in the war целые деревни и т. д. сгорели дотла во время войны; the grass burns up during a hot summer жарким летом выгорает вся трава
    6. XVII
    burn up on doing smth. a meteorite leaves a long, brilliant trail as it burns up on entering the atmosphere метеорит оставляет длинный яркий след, когда он сгорает, входя в атмосферу

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > burn\ up

  • 5 map

    1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) mapa
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) carta

    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) trazar un mapa de
    map n mapa / plano
    1 (of country, region) mapa nombre masculino; (of town, bus, tube) plano
    1 (area) trazar un mapa de
    to put somebody/something on the map dar a conocer a alguien/algo
    weather map carta meteorológica
    map ['mæp] vt, mapped ; mapping
    1) : trazar el mapa de
    2) plan: planear, proyectar
    to map out a program: planear un programa
    map n
    : mapa m
    carta s.f.
    mapa s.m.
    plano s.m.
    planear v.
    trazar el mapa de v.

    I mæp
    noun (of country, region) mapa m; (of town, subway, building) plano m

    a map of the world — un planisferio, un mapamundi

    to put something on the map — dar* notoriedad a algo

    - pp- transitive verb trazar* el mapa de
    Phrasal Verbs:
    N [of town] plano m ; [of world, country] mapa m ; (=chart) carta f
    * * *

    I [mæp]
    noun (of country, region) mapa m; (of town, subway, building) plano m

    a map of the world — un planisferio, un mapamundi

    to put something on the map — dar* notoriedad a algo

    - pp- transitive verb trazar* el mapa de
    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > map

  • 6 map

    mæp 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) (land)kart
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) (-)kart
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) tegne kart over, kartlegge
    subst. \/mæp\/
    1) kart, landkart, sjøkart
    2) (noe gammeldags, slang) fjes
    off the map ( hverdagslig) uaktuell, glemt, foreldet utenfor allfarvei, avsidesliggende
    on the map aktuell, sentral, viktig
    put on the map sette på kartet, gjøre kjent
    wipe something off the map utslette noe (fullstendig)
    verb \/mæp\/
    1) lage kart over
    2) kartlegge, planlegge
    3) ( EDB) avbilde
    map out kartlegge (i detalj) stake ut, planlegge, legge opp

    English-Norwegian dictionary > map

  • 7 map

    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) (landa-/vega)kort
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) stjörnukort
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) kortleggja

    English-Icelandic dictionary > map

  • 8 map

    térkép to map: térképet készít, feltérképez, térképez
    * * *
    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) térkép
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) térkép
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) (fel)térképez

    English-Hungarian dictionary > map

  • 9 map

    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) mapa
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) carta
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) cartografar
    * * *
    [mæp] n 1 mapa, carta geográfica. 2 qualquer traçado. 3 planta. • vt+vi 1 projetar ou desenhar mapas e plantas. 2 traçar, delinear, mapear. 3 planejar pormenorizadamente. off the map a) sem importância. b) obsoleto. on the map importante, atual.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > map

  • 10 map

    n. harita, plan, surat
    v. haritasını yapmak, planlamak
    * * *
    1. eşle (v.) 2. harita çiz (v.) 3. harita (n.)
    * * *
    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) harita
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) gökyüzü haritası
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) haritasını yapmak/çıkarmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > map

  • 11 map

    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) zemljevid
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) karta
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) narisati zemljevid
    * * *
    I [mæp]
    zemljevid, zemljepisna karta
    colloquially on the mapvažen
    not on the map — nemogoč, komaj verjeten
    colloquially off the map — pozabljen, zastarel
    figuratively to put on the map — dati veljavo, uveljaviti
    II [mæp]
    transitive verb
    narisati zemljevid, kartografirati, včrtati v karto
    to map out — planirati, napraviti točen načrt

    English-Slovenian dictionary > map

  • 12 map

    • matkapuhelinosa
    • MAP
    * * *
    mæp 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) kartta
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) kartta
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) kartoittaa

    English-Finnish dictionary > map

  • 13 Map

    I [mæp]
    nome (of region) carta f. geografica, cartina f.; (of town, underground) mappa f., piantina f.

    street map — pianta stradale, stradario

    the political map of Europefig. il panorama politico europeo


    to put sb., sth. on the map — fare conoscere qcn., qcs

    II [mæp]
    verbo transitivo (forma in -ing ecc. - pp-)
    1) geogr. geol. astr. fare la carta di [region, planet]; fare una mappa di [ town]; fare un rilevamento topografico di [ crater]
    2) inform. stabilire una corrispondenza tra
    * * *
    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) carta
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) carta
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) rilevare, fare una mappa di
    * * *
    (Surnames) Map /mæp/
    * * *
    I [mæp]
    nome (of region) carta f. geografica, cartina f.; (of town, underground) mappa f., piantina f.

    street map — pianta stradale, stradario

    the political map of Europefig. il panorama politico europeo


    to put sb., sth. on the map — fare conoscere qcn., qcs

    II [mæp]
    verbo transitivo (forma in -ing ecc. - pp-)
    1) geogr. geol. astr. fare la carta di [region, planet]; fare una mappa di [ town]; fare un rilevamento topografico di [ crater]
    2) inform. stabilire una corrispondenza tra

    English-Italian dictionary > Map

  • 14 map

    [mæp] 1. n
    mapa f
    2. vt
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) mapa, plan
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) mapa
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) sporządzać mapy

    English-Polish dictionary > map

  • 15 map

    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) karte; plāns
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) astronomiskā karte
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) attēlot kartē
    * * *
    karte; plāns; atzīmēt kartē; attēlot

    English-Latvian dictionary > map

  • 16 map

    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) žemėlapis, planas
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) mėnlapis, žvaigždėlapis
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) pažymėti žemėlapyje

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > map

  • 17 map

    n. karta; plan; beskrivning
    v. kartlägga, göra en karta; planera; organisera
    * * *
    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) karta
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) karta
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) kartlägga, göra en karta över

    English-Swedish dictionary > map

  • 18 map

    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) mapa
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) mapa
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) (z)mapovat
    * * *
    • mapa

    English-Czech dictionary > map

  • 19 map

    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) mapa
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) mapa
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) (z)mapovať
    * * *
    • zmapovat
    • tabulka
    • graf
    • rozdelenie
    • plán
    • mapovat
    • mapa (pamäte)
    • mapa
    • naniest na mapu
    • nanášat

    English-Slovak dictionary > map

  • 20 map

    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) hartă
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) hartă
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) a întocmi o hartă

    English-Romanian dictionary > map

См. также в других словарях:

  • towns- — in comb., as townsfolk, etc.: see town 11 …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of company towns — This is a List of company towns.Towns listed in bold are still considered company towns today; other entries are former company towns. See for an unannotated list of articles. Europe Belgium * Louvain la Neuve, home of the Université Catholique… …   Wikipedia

  • Main road towns — are small or tiny towns ,which usually have one or two motorable road. These towns are found generally on sides of National Highway or important roads within states of India.These are called towns due to higher population than villages,also they… …   Wikipedia

  • List of twin towns and sister cities in the United Kingdom — This is a list of places in the United Kingdom having standing links to local communities in other countries. In most cases, the association, especially when formalised by local government, is known as town twinning (though other terms, such as… …   Wikipedia

  • List of twin towns and sister cities in the Republic of Ireland — This is a list of places in Ireland having standing links to local communities in other countries. In most cases, the association, especially when formalised by local government, is known as town twinning (though other terms, such as partner… …   Wikipedia

  • William Towns — (* 1936; † 1993) war ein britischer Autodesigner. Fahrzeuge wie der Aston Martin DBS (1967), Jensen Healey (1972) und Aston Martin Lagonda (1974) wurden von ihm entworfen. Towns arbeitete als Designer für Rootes (Sitze, Türgriffe etc.) und für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Central Avenue (Five Towns) — Central Avenue is a road mainly in Nassau County on Long Island, New York, that spans four of the Five Towns along the Far Rockaway Branch of the Long Island Rail Road, to which it runs parallel. About a third of it is a popular business district …   Wikipedia

  • Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc. — Observations concerning the Increase of Mankind, peopling of Countries, etc.   Author(s) Benjamin Franklin Publica …   Wikipedia

  • Celtic Gallaecia — Gallaecia (comprising modern Galicia and Northern Portugal) has had human settlers since prehistoric times, dating back to the 30th century BC. The Greeks (so told by Strabo) knew the settlers resided on the north of the river Douro by the name… …   Wikipedia

  • Merger (politics) — For other uses, see Amalgamation (disambiguation). A merger or amalgamation in a political or administrative sense is the combination of two or more political or administrative entities such as municipalities (in other words cities, towns, etc.) …   Wikipedia

  • Portal:East Frisia — Shortcut: P:EF < Quick index < Portals < Geography < Europe < Germany < Lower Saxony < East Frisia Subject area: East Frisia:  P …   Wikipedia

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